how google search engine work

 Sure thing! Google is like a really clever friend on the internet. Here's how it works:

1. Web Explorers: Google sends out little bots that read and explore web pages by following links. They're like internet detectives discovering what's out there.

2. Giant Info Library:The stuff these bots find goes into a huge library called an index. It's like Google's memory bank, holding details about a ton of web pages.

3. Finding the Good Stuff:When you type something into Google, it checks its library to find pages related to your words. But it doesn't just grab any page; it looks for the most helpful ones.

4. Smart Sorting:Google uses secret recipes (algorithms) to figure out which pages are the best matches for what you're looking for. The ones it thinks are most useful pop up in your search results.

So, Google is like a super-smart buddy that helps you quickly find what you're searching for on the internet!
